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富人們都有的這20 個習慣,你做到了嗎?




富人們都有的這20 個習慣,你做到了嗎?

- 01 -

Say "No"「 說不」

「When you say "NO"」 you have more time to read, learn, sleep, ask questions, contact friends, love life. Say “no」 more.」


- 02 -

Love 愛

「This is the only religion. This is the only thing worth surrendering to. This is the fuel for your idea muscle.」


- 03 -

Make Mistakes 犯錯誤

「Mistakes are the spell books of success. Study them hard. Learnt heir incantations. When muscles tear they rebuild stronger.」


- 04 -

Plant Seeds 多播種

「Basic Garden Math: 1% of the seeds turns into 50% of the flowers. Plant lots of seeds.」

基本花園數學:只有1% 的種子可能變成50% 的花。不要盯住一個目標,大量的播種。

- 05 -

Be Around People Who Are Kind To You And Love You 和對你好的人在一起

「Other people will make you unhappy, unkind and unsuccessful.」


- 06 -

Stand Next To The Smartest Person In the Room 站在房間裡最聰明的人的旁邊

「Harold Ramis did it (Bill Murray). Steve Jobs did it (Steve Wozniak). Craig Silverstein did it (Larry Page). Kanye West did it (Jay Z). I make money only when I do this.」

Harold Ramis(美國著名演員)身邊是Bill Murray,Steve Jobs(蘋果創始人)身邊是Steve Wozniak,Craig Silverstein (Google第一個員工)身邊是Larry Page,Kanye West(美國著名歌手)身邊是Jay Z。只有這樣做,你才能賺到錢

- 07 -

No Excuses 沒有藉口

「Blaming is draining. Complaining is draining. Explaining is draining. We don't have enough inner plumbing for all that draining.」


- 08 -

Don't Be In A Rush 不要著急

「Every overnight success I've spoken to, took 10 - 20 years to get there. But only if they celebrated small successes along the way.」

我訪談過的那些看似一夜成功的人,都花了10 - 20 年才到達那裡,但前提是他們在這個過程中不斷地慶祝小成功。

- 09 -

Solve Difficult Gratitude Problems 困境中常懷感恩之心

「If you can find a diamond in the mud, yo are going to end up with a lot of diamonds in life.」


- 10 -

Warren Buffett's 5/25 Rule 巴菲特的5/25規則

「Make a lift of 25 things to do in life. Now do the top 5. And never again think about the other 20 ever, else they will take time away from the 5 that are most important to you.」

列出這輩子要做的25 件事情,只做頭部的5件,再也不要去想其他20 件事了,否則它們會浪費你花在最重要的5 件事情上的時間。

- 11 -

Write Down 10 Ideas A Day 每天寫下10個想法

「This actually turns into a super power. Do this for six months and see what happens.」


- 12 -

Follow Up 跟進

「I'm shy and bad at this. And lazy. Send an email the next day with an idea on the next step. I have to do this.」


- 13 -

Ask Questions 多問問題

「There are more questions than answers. Opportunities are buried in the questions, Facts can be outsourced.」

問題總比答案多。機會隱藏在問題中, 多問問題讓別人來提供答案。

- 14 -

1% A Day 每天1%

「Whatever you want to get better at: do1% more each day. 1% a day, compounded, is 3800% a year. You win.」

不管你想改善什麼,每天進步1%, 複利下來,一年進步3800%。你就贏了。

- 15 -

Right Now 聚焦當下

「Regret will waste time today worrying about yesterday. And anxiety will steal energy from the future. Focus on right now.」


- 16 -

Sleep 睡覺

「Sleep rejuvenates brain cells, heals the body, and reduces anxiety. And your brain is only active 2-5 hours a day. Sweets dreams.」

睡眠使腦細胞恢復活力,治愈身體,減輕焦慮。你的大腦每天只有2-5 小時是活躍的。多做美夢。

- 17 -

Every Day, Avoid Death 每一天,避免死亡

「You can't get rich from a hospital bed. Or a grave. Move every day, sleep well, eat well.」

你不能在醫院的床上發財,或者在墳墓裡面。每天運動, 睡好吃好。

- 18 -

Do One Thing Every Day You Loved As A Kid 每天像孩子一樣做一件喜歡的事情

「This is usually the fuel that can power your life.」


抱歉,發現只有18 個習慣,剩下兩個,你來補充吧~


按讚 是一種美德


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